Subscriptions & Payment

Packages & Prices

FXHighway Clinic

$25 per consultant / request

Dealing with clients’ requests to analyze an opened position to process it or to open new position

Sending full analysis with clear and specific recommendation for the open or to be opened position

Arab Markets

Daily Signals

$100 / month

Daily signals, our choice

Sending signals via Email or WhatsApp

The number of signals is not fixed

Forex markets

Daily signals

$100 / month

Daily signals, our choice

Sending signals via Email or WhatsApp

Number of signals not fixed

Forex markets

Customized signals

$200 / month

The client chooses 5 instruments weekly

Daily analysis for these instruments

Support and resistance

Suggested recommendations for these instruments

Arab Markets

Customized signals

$200 / month

The client chooses 5 Stocks weekly

Daily analysis for these stocks

Support and resistance

Suggested recommendations for these stocks

Account Manager / VIP Consultant

Arab Markets & Forex Markets

$1000 / month

Appointing dedicated account manager

Follow up the client’s trading account

We don’t have permission to trade

Continuous follow up to the account’s status during the trading hours

Sending advices about any opened position

Suggesting targets and stops

Sending advices about any position the client would like to open before entering the market

Follow up the account status according to the Equity ratio

Sending suggested signals

Processing any opened position or analysis request (5stocks daily)

Continuous instant contact with the account manager during the markets’ hours