Asian shares jumped on Tuesday, encouraged by the big profits reaped by their American counterparts yesterday. Japan's Nikkei index was on the verge of touching a three-month high at 19,702, with a 1.59% gain. China's Shanghai rallied 1.53%, while Australia's S&P\ASX 200 index soared 1.86%. Korea's KOSPI rose 1.44%, while India's Nifty added 0.46%.
Wall Street wasn't impacted by Paris attacks in its Monday's trading, with Dow Jones closing up 237 points, or 1.38% to 17,483. NASDAQ gained 56 points, or 1.15% to 4,984. S&P 500 was the biggest riser, surging 1.49%, or 30 points to 2,053.
Dollar continued pressuring other currencies, with its index touching a fresh 7-month high at 99.69, with a 0.22% gain. Dollar jumped to a similar high against Euro at 1.0658, with a 0.27% gain. It advanced 0.19% against Sterling to 1.5175. It added also 0.19% against Yen to 123.41.
Euro was still bleeding, with its index down 0.18% to 85.98. Euro fell to a 3-1\2 month trough against Sterling at 0.7023, with a 0.1% loss. It was down 0.05% against Yen to 131.55.
Oil prices recovered strongly yesterday but gave up some of the gains today, with Brent futures for December down 10 cents, or 0.22% to $44.68 a barrel. U.S. oil futures were flat at $41.75 a barrel.
Gold futures were affected by the rising dollar, losing $4.80, or 0.44% to $1,078.80 an ounce. Silver futures fell 4 cents, or 0.33% to $14.17 an ounce.
Investors will be waiting for a bundle of crucial data today. From U.K., October's CPI is forecast at -0.1% y\y, same as September's. A negative inflation is bad news for growth and the currency.
From U.S., CPI for October is forecast at 0.2% m\m, if inflation does indeed pick up, it would seal the deal for a rate hike in December, rallying the dollar further.
From Germany, the ZEW Economic Sentiment is forecast at 6.7 for November, better than October's 1.9. The survey is important for measuring economic health in Germany and the whole of the Eurozone, a result higher than zero indicates optimism, lower than zero indicates pessimism, a high positive result could help the Euro recover some of its lost ground.